And so I went to his profile (his pic was funny XP) and it was a music video for Plants VS Zombies....
The yellow mushroom also give sun power but very small one

"Eh dude...can borrow your pants ah?"
Whoever the developer of this game are very creative....

"Thriller! Thriller night!" Michael Jackson's will be remembered
I think this zombie "reused" his
"Uhhhh....where the tandas? Cannot tahan... pee in the bucket larh"
This guy mati in the tandas...maybe heconstipated suffocated to death 
"Eh! Close the door larh!!!"
I find this zombie the best..First he got no pants,second, he was in the toilet reading newspaper before he died, and third, when you make his newspaper gone....


"Eh! Wait arh, I left my finger down there"
The song was called "Zombies on your Law"(also got japanese version) sung by Laura Shigihara(her voice is nice wei!). So I finally went to Google and type in the game...downloaded the free trial...and it was fun! Really! No Joke!
The rules were simple...Plant and kill zombies!!

The cute lil mushrooms where you unlock at level 2...Makes me feel like singing the Super Mario Theme Song
You need to collect Suns that fall from the sky so that you can plant stuff but the tiny purple mushrooms are free XD
Sunflowers also give cancer Sun power.
You need to collect Suns that fall from the sky so that you can plant stuff but the tiny purple mushrooms are free XD

The yellow mushroom also give sun power but very small one

"Don't'll be useful as me someday" said the sunflower
To my really IS useful and cheap! It's half the price of the sunflower which is 25 sun power! Each time you collect one big sun power, you gain 25 so it's cheap.
To my really IS useful and cheap! It's half the price of the sunflower which is 25 sun power! Each time you collect one big sun power, you gain 25 so it's cheap.

"You said what arh just now?" said the mushroom
Only during the day that the Sun power balls (don't think something else arh!) would fall from the sky, but at night sorry larh...sold out edi the sun power.
Got alot of zombies..all different kind...
Only during the day that the Sun power balls (don't think something else arh!) would fall from the sky, but at night sorry larh...sold out edi the sun power.
Got alot of zombies..all different kind...

"Eh dude...can borrow your pants ah?"
Whoever the developer of this game are very creative....

"Thriller! Thriller night!" Michael Jackson's will be remembered
I think this zombie "reused" his

"Uhhhh....where the tandas? Cannot tahan... pee in the bucket larh"
This guy mati in the tandas...maybe he

"Eh! Close the door larh!!!"
I find this zombie the best..First he got no pants,second, he was in the toilet reading newspaper before he died, and third, when you make his newspaper gone....

It goes into a complete frenzy!

"Destroy my newspaper again larh! Belasahlu baru lu tahu!"
Then the mother came.

"You belasah my children arh? Come larh! Mess with my kid you mess with me macha!"

"Destroy my newspaper again larh! Belasahlu baru lu tahu!"
Then the mother came.

"You belasah my children arh? Come larh! Mess with my kid you mess with me macha!"
If the zombies reach your plants, they'll start eating it! O.O

"Nom nom nom nom nom!!"
Then when the final wave comes, they get ready for the concert..

"Eh! Wait arh, I left my finger down there"
One of the best parts of the free trial is the Cherry Bombs...This is the outcome of Pearl "Zombie" Harbor

"Eh look black"

"Eh look black"
Oh and you have a friend that "helps" you in the game...His name is Crazy...something..was it Al or Dave...dunno larh...I go with Crazy Dave

"This fellar memang speak he was chewing something sticky and was talking at the same time..."
While I was still having fun, this window appeared and it broke my heart... ;(

While I was still having fun, this window appeared and it broke my heart... ;(

For those who dunno what's "Thriller", It's this:

"No offense MJ but your ketiak busuk larh..."
It's one of my fave songs...I'll miss MJ...Though he looks scary...
The old MJ looks better...that guy up there...
It's one of my fave songs...I'll miss MJ...Though he looks scary...
The old MJ looks better...that guy up there...
God Bless and All The Best to All of you!
-Jason Chong- "You think it's funny? Then let it be funny"
addictive le??? im playing all over again!!