Saturday, August 29, 2009

Good balls and funny dragons

Good Balls.....
And Funny Dragons XD

Bye bye! =D

Monday, August 3, 2009

6 (I dunno why) things that make me happy =D friend ask me to make a list of 6 things that makes me happy!
ok so number 1 is:
The HSG church where I met so many new friends! =D

2. My Family and Friends! =D like this 2...uh...dandy gentlemen here Ben (the guy on the left who is my dandy brother) and Joseph (my dandy coach on the right)

Praising and Worshipping God and Praise and Worship songs! =D

This is Preszka! See! She loves praising God! XD
Number 4!!
Manga (japanese comics)!

Number 5!

I mean like..who doesn't the internet give happiness to? lol

The last and final number 6!
God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit of course!! =D

And that's it for today/this week/month/year! bye!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My trip back to Malaysia 23/7/09

Hey people (to those who even notice this blog)! READ THE TITLE CAREFULLY because I don't want to explain to people like "when did u go?" or "where did you go?"...I mean come on larh people! The title is the most important thing for a blog and yet you don't read it...

I was staying for a week and it was tiring man! So tiring that I forgot what I did on the first day other than arriving and invaded Ben's room..XD then, on the second day which was friday, I went to HSG church. Yeah I know...people go to church on Sunday but anybody can go to Church anytime! God will always welcome you to church! Anyways, there was a special guest and it was Dr. Pat Francis!

It was so awesome! I'm glad I went to church that day but before we went to church, me, Ben, Joseph, Victor and Kok Jen go eat mamak nearby XP The service was terrible and Kok Jen ordered Maggi Goreng and we waited 50 mins! 50 mins!!!! Ben ordered Cheese Naan with shredded cheese on top liao...sorry larh but no pics.... so it was pretty quick but we waited 50 mins!! And then we got this!

ok it's actually more than this but you get the point
Joseph ordered Indo Mee double which looks like this:
But instead he got this:

So we talked to the macha and my coach said he clearly ordered Indo Mee Double but me,KJ,Ven and Victor thought he said Indo Mee Bible so we said things like "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...and he gave instructions to his servants and said "You shall make dough and make stretchy dough and make it wavy and then dry it and it shall be hard" was funny how they say it XD Then we tapau and then Joseph just ordered Mee Robus and Victor always say things like "Ini larh rebus..itu goreng!" (had to edit again..thanks Vic XP) After the service, Kok Jen finally agreed to drive me and Ben home....but we got LOST!!! Thank God that we manage to get home and thank you Kok Jen for the amazing drive home =D the rest of the week is sunway sunway,carl's jr,shogan and food poisoning...that's all for now! bye!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Plants VS Zombies Review

When I was on facebook, a friend said that she found a game very addictive and the game was Plants VS Zombies. I didn't really bother looking it up on Google, but soon after, another friend asked me to look at this video on his Hi5 profile.
And so I went to his profile (his pic was funny XP) and it was a music video for Plants VS Zombies....
The song was called "Zombies on your Law"(also got japanese version) sung by Laura Shigihara(her voice is nice wei!). So I finally went to Google and type in the game...downloaded the free trial...and it was fun! Really! No Joke!
The rules were simple...Plant and kill zombies!!

The cute lil mushrooms where you unlock at level 2...Makes me feel like singing the Super Mario Theme Song

You need to collect Suns that fall from the sky so that you can plant stuff but the tiny purple mushrooms are free XD
Sunflowers also give cancer Sun power.

The yellow mushroom also give sun power but very small one
"Don't'll be useful as me someday" said the sunflower

To my really IS useful and cheap! It's half the price of the sunflower which is 25 sun power! Each time you collect one big sun power, you gain 25 so it's cheap.
"You said what arh just now?" said the mushroom

Only during the day that the Sun power balls (don't think something else arh!) would fall from the sky, but at night sorry larh...sold out edi the sun power.
Got alot of zombies..all different kind...

"Eh dude...can borrow your pants ah?"

Whoever the developer of this game are very creative.

"Thriller! Thriller night!" Michael Jackson's will be remembered

I think this zombie "reused" his

"Uhhhh....where the tandas? Cannot tahan... pee in the bucket larh"

This guy mati in the tandas...maybe he constipated suffocated to death

"Eh! Close the door larh!!!"

I find this zombie the best..First he got no pants,second, he was in the toilet reading newspaper before he died, and third, when you make his newspaper gone....


It goes into a complete frenzy!

"Destroy my newspaper again larh! Belasahlu baru lu tahu!"

Then the mother came.

"You belasah my children arh? Come larh! Mess with my kid you mess with me macha!"

If the zombies reach your plants, they'll start eating it! O.O
"Nom nom nom nom nom!!"

Then when the final wave comes, they get ready for the concert..

"Eh! Wait arh, I left my finger down there"

One of the best parts of the free trial is the Cherry Bombs...This is the outcome of Pearl "Zombie" Harbor

"Eh look black"

Oh and you have a friend that "helps" you in the game...His name is Crazy...something..was it Al or Dave...dunno larh...I go with Crazy Dave

"This fellar memang speak he was chewing something sticky and was talking at the same time..."

While I was still having fun, this window appeared and it broke my heart... ;(

"Nobody said everything is free...."

For those who dunno what's "Thriller", It's this:
"No offense MJ but your ketiak busuk larh..."

It's one of my fave songs...I'll miss MJ...Though he looks scary...
The old MJ looks better...that guy up there...

God Bless and All The Best to All of you!
-Jason Chong- "You think it's funny? Then let it be funny"

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The word "Macha"

If you are from Malaysia or a place that is like Malaysia which have hawker stalls or mamak stall,
You'd probably know the word "macha".
You would probably imagine this when you hear the word "macha"


My friend made a new discovery...and found out that the word "macha" also means green tea if you go to the restaurant called "Pasta Zanmai". (I heard the curry there very nice XD)
This is what the other "Macha" looks like in:

No this is not the guy you saw earlier turned to dust...

Then my friend posted a link and have the same green tea powder but it's spelled "matcha".
Another friend said it's actually "Ocha" so goes the conversation like this:

Natasha: It's called OCHA! OCHA I SAY, OCHA!
Ivan C : DEI (dei is an indian word) VICTOR (The guy who made the discovery)!! You die now!!
William (me): Macha! Macha satu please! (first macha is referring to person,second macha is tea)
Ivan S : Ocha? weird (I cut out the first sentence and left the second)
Ivan C : Oh u change Ocha to Macha larh! Dei! Wait larh you!
Natasha: It is called ocha. You have to say, "One cold ocha please"
William:Oh...So Victor is trying to say "one cold macha please" and you're trying to say "one cold ocha please"...i go with one cold macha XD
Natasha: Yea! duh, I always say ocha and they understand
William: Oh but when you go Pasta Zanmai in Victor's case, he always say "macha" and they understand XP
Ivan C : Dei William, you better order a coffin...You're so dead!!!
William: Noooooooo...Order for me can arh?
Victor : Oi apa ni? I know what I see larh dei. lol.

And so, the word macha has 2 is the person at the mamak taking orders for you (very nice people) and green tea powder...
I ended up like this after the conversation:
But then later, They Tapao me instead...To the undertaker..
"I asked for mixed rice but they tapao this boy pulak..."
They put a coffin within a coffin and check inside... Wah..Makes you wish you want to die now and steal my coffin

"Wah...canggih punya computer some more! Thanks Ivan!"

That's how I still can post my blog thanks to this coffin Ivan C gave me =D

Chicken...All week....

Ugh...I think I'm getting bored with chicken...I'm eating chicken everyday! Some one change the menu please! It's either fried,bbq or....uh...fried! It's either this: or this..

Later the chickens will come and sue me...

"You makan our kind again I belasah lu baru lu tahu!"

Then it will get worse...They start eating people!
"This is for all the things you've done to all the chickens out there!! Sweet Revenge mwuahahahahaha!!"

After seeing these pictures, I think I might have to change my diet to fish and beef,veges and mushrooms...but then again..Cows can go mad...

Maybe the fish might be generous enough to kill themself for our survival

"Uh....You wanna eat me? Sure...Lemme cut myself up..."

And there for...I decided "What the heck?! Chicken it is then!
These people seem to agree with me XD

Because some one requested, this blog is copyrighted....thankyou for your co-orperation XP

Monday, June 29, 2009

My new blog

Ok...I'm finally going to start a complains yea?
Actually I had another blog but i never used it
so this is my new one and I hope that it will stay alive.......
What i'm going to post in this blog is all the good memories that I had in my life =D
So far i'm 14 and it was a good and blessed 14 years! Wooh! Praise God! XD
I'll also post times where I get to Praise with the Bass
Like leading worship in church or youth group and maybe if I'm in a good mood, will post videos of people leading worship =D
I have a Bass guitar,black color (though i wanted a different color like orange),Ibanez brand and 4 strings =D
Rite now I'm looking for the right blog skin so feel free to tell me where!

But for now God Bless And All the Best!